NewsJuly 1, 2021
#TANKTRIBE – Daily stories of work
Padoan has launched in these days the project “#TankTribe – Daily stories of work” dedicated to the end users to make them protagonists and involve them in a project where passion and quality are common.
Click here to visit the page dedicated to the project.
The workers, who everyday create value through their activities and their vehicles, have always been one of the most important focuses of Padoan: the end users of our products.
The analysis of the technical needs of the vehicles, of the applications and of the challenges faced every day in difficult environments, is the basis of our activity and allow us to create successful and efficient solutions.
Continuous dialogue with manufacturers, fitters, installers and distributors gives us an accurate picture of the multi-faceted needs of the market, and the continuous feedback from users completes our vision.
#TankTribe is our way of saying thank you and involving those who, every day, through their work and their vehicles, generate value for the community.
From tippers to compactors, from cranes to vacuum cleaners, from tanks to roll-offs and road transport, just as examples, every day vehicles and people join together to create value with their daily stories of work.
The aim of #TankTribe is to create a community linked by everyday interests and challenges, with the common denominator of the tank, whether hydraulic or diesel, as a partner to achieve their goals.
The various initiatives of #TankTribe, which will be developed in the medium – long term, will allow all those who wish to belong to the “Tank Tribe” by sending a picture of themselves and their vehicle, so as to be published through the communication channels of Padoan.
As a first project, the images of the daily stories of work will be selected and emphasized to be included in the Padoan calendar 2022, distributed in more than 50 countries around the world.
The photos sent within 30th August 2021 could be the figures of our next calendar.
The term “Tribe” refers to a group that shares values even if with its own diversities and subgroups.
And #Tank Tribe wants to emphasize belonging to a group of people who speak “the same language”.
#Tank Tribe aims at telling the shared values related to daily work, passion and trust in the applications which represent fundamental tools for everyday activities.
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